Brand strategy and website for a leading engineering firm.


BIK sistemas is an accomplished engineering firm based in Riga, Latvia. The company provides indoor climate solutions for large-scale buildings of national importance.

I was asked to develop the marketing strategy, design the company website, and set up the marketing campaigns.

About the project

Brand strategy
UX/UI design
Content creation

The creative process

During the discussions with the stakeholders, I found out that after five years of active operation, the company needed to strengthen its existing relationships, attract prospective employees, and, in the long-term—new business.
We decided to focus on building the company's recognition in the market by positioning the brand and creating a compelling online presence. The output would be a company website and social media campaigns to increase brand awareness.

Project goals

Project scope

During discussions, we examined the needs and goals of the company's clients and partners. We picked out five main competitors and shared thoughts about their key strengths and weaknesses. We also conferred the desired characteristics of the prospective team members.

Dialogues with the stakeholders

Through rigorous analysis of the competing companies and their brands, the market gaps have been identified—and transformed into opportunities to differentiate the BIK sistemas brand.

Researching the market

Target audience research

I deep-dived into the industry specifics to wrap my head around the user needs. I've combined that knowledge with competitor analysis results and defined the target audience. As a result, two distinct groups were created—with differing goals, but similar pain points.
General building contractors
  • To source reliable subcontractors, who provide engineering network design & construction solutions for the building projects.
  • Seek cost-efficiency. Look to partner up with professionals that do precise work and take ownership for their mishaps.
  • Not many engineers in the market can satisfy the expanded project requirements, namely to design and build by the BIM process.
General planning contractors
  • To create engineering design work for the building projects.
  • To outsource various parts of engineering work to the subcontractors.
  • Seek to find cost-effective solutions & spend minimum time on each project.
  • Not many engineers in the market can satisfy the expanded project requirements, namely to design and build by the BIM process.

Value proposition

At BIK sistemas we design and build internal engineering networks for mid to large-scale buildings. Our team is technically creative and proficient in BIM®, able to deliver fast, accurate, and cost-efficient projects.
"Our vision is to accelerate the practical application of technology within the Latvian building industry, and become the fastest-growing company in our country."



"Our mission is to design and build internal engineering networks for many buildings in Latvia—in the most efficient and modern way."


Focus on the goal. Stay curious. Act with integrity. Build relationships. Continuously improve. Take ownership. Embrace consistency.


"When we write and speak, we want you to feel like we're your smart and reliable teammates and partners. Someone who is confident and knowledgeable, ready to share expert insights. Someone you trust to do their absolute best work to drive project success."
I came up with a sound public image for the company.

The brand defined

I crafted an employee offering, basing it on the insights extracted from stakeholder discussions and market research.
"At BIK sistemas we are a smart and ambitious team, dedicated to delivering efficiency and expertise to our clients. Our culture of knowledge, integrity, and safety empowers our team to achieve goals and expand as professionals. For all those who love industrial engineering and cutting-edge technology—please join us on this challenging and rewarding journey."

Employer brand statement

I created the brand personas based on the target audience segments. This approach helped us visualize real people using the company services and thus create an empathic connection with the audience. I used the persona profiles as references later in the design and content creation process.


Atis works in a general contracting firm and is responsible for meeting the budgets and deadlines of a construction project.

Project manager

Daiga takes on the supervision of the project documentation creation for large-scale buildings. She works with real-estate developers, general contractors, and the government.


I developed comprehensive persona profiles, including struggles faced at their jobs, temperamental traits, and technology usage info.
Atis, 33
Daiga, 45

Visual style creation

I improved the existing company logo and came up with a color palette for the brand, loosely based on common color associations. I picked the fonts to create a consistent aesthetic, aligned with the brand personality.

UX design

During the consequent stakeholder sessions, we brainstormed, prioritized, and trimmed down website features—relevant to user personas.

Feature brainstorming

I chose the most suitable web technology for the project and created the technical documentation.


I distributed the selected features into groups, labeled them, and created the menu and page block structure for the website in Trello.
I defined the marketing purpose and target audience for each website block and wrote the titles, the content, and call-to-actions.

Information architecture & content

Lo-fi wireframes

I created the hand-drawn sketches of the website.
I designed the clickable prototype with the draft content to get initial approval from the stakeholders. I put the main focus on the progressive disclosure principle for each page.

I tested the prototype with the target users and gathered insights for iteration and improvement.

Hi-res prototype

I created the UI of the website, basing it on the final version of the functional prototype. I selected, edited, and retouched text and imagery within the set brand voice and visual style. I launched the website.

UI & visual content creation

Branding campaigns

I created and scheduled the posts for social media campaigns to raise brand awareness and attract new team members.
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